Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory- Fermilab, just outside Batavia, Illinois, near Chicago, is a US Department of Energy national laboratory specializing in high-energy particle physics. Fermilab is operated by the Fermi Research Alliance, a joint venture of the University of Chicago, Illinois Institute of Technology and the Universities Research Association (URA). Fermilab is a part of the Illinois Technology and Research Corridor.
Projects Undertaken:
The lab needed assistance from a competent firm to handle their user tickets, pertaining to hardware, software, and networking.
Tech Army presented a team of seasoned MAC desktop Engineers who are providing all the required services to this U.S. National Laboratory.
AMC Desktop Engineers are helping Fermi Lab by addressing their user tickets, installing applications, computer peripherals, conducting remote troubleshooting, customizing desktop applications in addition to other needs of the department.

Idaho National Laboratory (INL) is one of the national laboratories of the United States Department of Energy and is managed by the Battelle Energy Alliance. While the laboratory does other research, historically it has also been involved with other nuclear research projects. Much of current knowledge about how nuclear reactors behave and misbehave was discovered at what is now Idaho National Laboratory.
Initially, the missions at the INL were the development of civilian and defense nuclear reactor technologies and management of spent nuclear fuel. Fifty-two reactors (most of them first-of-a-kind) were built, including the Navy’s first prototype nuclear propulsion plant. Of the 52 reactors, three remain in operation at the site.
Projects Undertaken:
The Lab needed assistance with Software Quality Assurance Testing with strong knowledge in its methodologies, tools, and processes.
Tech Army provided skilled and vetted Senior Business Systems Quality Control Specialist as a part of its IT Staff Augmentation service to help the laboratory improve its business process quality and deliverables.

Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) is a federally funded research and development center in Lemont, Illinois, United States. Founded in 1946, the laboratory is now sponsored by the United States Department of Energy and administered by UChicago Argonne LLC of the University of Chicago. The facility is the largest national laboratory by size and scope in the Midwest. Argonne has five main areas of focus. These goals, as stated by the DOE in 2008, consist of:
Conducting basic scientific research.
Operating national scientific facilities.
Enhancing the nation's energy resources.
Developing better ways to manage environmental problems.
Protecting national security.
Projects Undertaken:
ANL needed assistance in developing tolls for systems admin and automation of routine tasks and hence needed an expert Systems Consultant.
Tech Army provided qualified and skilled Systems Engineer. Adept knowledge of containerization ecosystems, and proficiency in the principles and best practices of Software Configuration Management.